Leap to the cutting edge of technological innovation

Driving forward our technologies

Continuous improvement and the quest for new technologies are printed onto IK4-TEKNIKER’s DNA. That is why the centre has taken advantage of the unique opportunity of its move to its new facilities to update the conditions for its research into the technologies in which it is already a benchmark and, above all, to equip itself with the necessary tools to offer companies the most advanced innovation in the emerging technologies.

As far as IK4-TEKNIKER is concerned, the new building comes with large-sized equipment, a greater contract volume and access to the new technologies. But besides this, the new facilities are addressing a key requirement of companies: they allow the processes to be scaled up on an industrial level so that companies find it more straightforward to adopt the technological innovations.

Four main areas of specialisation

All the technologies that are worked on at IK4-TEKNIKER can be grouped into four large specialisation blocks. The first covers all the developments and specialties relating to the concept of manufacturing. This area includes all the concepts that come within the framework of mechatronics, the design of mechatronic concepts, and precision engineering. It also includes all the technologies that can be grouped under the concept of industrial production.

The second block of specialisation brings together the technologies linked to intelligent systems, robotics, smart systems of information, automation systems and process control.

The third area of specialisation is all the technologies that come under the concept of surface engineering. These disciplines are about developing the surfaces of materials to provide them with a functionality. Under the umbrella of this block IK4-TEKNIKER researchers work on physical as well as chemical technologies. This unit also includes technologies for the mechanical characterisation of materials as well as the technologies that enable surfaces to be texturized so that they can perform a specific function. Finally, this block also brings together the technologies that have to do with control/monitoring in the use of industrial fluids.

The final major technology block is that of product design and manufacturing. Crucial in this field are the technologies that deal with the physical, chemical and biological concept of the design, in addition to nano-manufacturing technologies, electronic concepts and product design and mass production concepts.

As regards the future, IK4-TEKNIKER will be going further into four main areas of research: robotics, metrology, multifunctional layers and the development of optical sensors for the control/monitoring of industrial oils.