IK4-TEKNIKER produces 11 patents in the renewables sector

Excellence knowledge protected by patents

Intellectual property rights provide instruments that allow persons and legal entities to assert their rights in terms of new developments, designs, inventions, etc. These rights can be protected in different ways by means of industrial designs, brands, industrial secrets or patents.

By using these procedures, IK4-TEKNIKER intends to formalise, in its capacity as a research centre at the service of companies, all the knowledge arising from its research activities. On the one hand, this formula makes it possible to recognise the level of excellence of the developments carried out and, on the other, adds value and licences third parties to make use of these results to improve competitiveness in terms of processes and new products.

As far as the energy sector is concerned, IK4-TEKNIKER has produced several patents. Depending on the circumstances, these patents may eventually be owned by a customer or be subject to a shared ownership formula. Individual ownership, moreover, would apply to all other the patents. In the last two cases, however, IK4-TEKNIKER is focused on setting up partnerships with companies interested in working with them.

Lister hereunder are the different patents brought about by the IK4-TEKNIKER contribution:

  • “A calibration method for heliostats” that addresses a somewhat neglected technique, although in an innovative manner, so that the sun’s reflection can be properly aimed at the tower’s receptor.
  • “A mirror for a solar reflector and mounting procedure” that substantially enhances the functionality of solar reflecting mirrors.
  • “Method and device for ultrasonic cleaning”. A dry cleaning system based on ultrasounds.
  • “A dirt sensor and a procedure to detect surface dirt”. Online monitoring can be performed to detect how much dirt has accumulated on the surface of solar reflectors.
  • “A checking device and methods for reflecting surfaces and a calibration method”. A solution based on optical systems geared towards ensuring quality in the production of mirrors and checking of heliostat modules during assembly.
  • “Coated glass for solar reflectors”. An anti-soiling coating used to enhance the efficiency of solar reflectors over time.
  • “A sealed mechanical connection between glass and metal for receiver tubes used in solar plants”. A system that provides a solution for the sealing of glass and metal on receiver tubes.
  • “A solar thermal collector device”. A method that delivers an innovative solar receiver solution for low and medium temperature applications.
  • “Improved heat-transfer fluids”. A formulation for heat-transfer fluids ranging up to 350 ºC.
  • “A light catchment device featuring absorptivity regulation”. A system that allows you to simultaneously regulate the brightness of lights inside a building and the energy stored by a thermal solar collector built into a facade.
  • “A fluid monitoring system using a nearby infrared fluid monitoring system based on spectroscopy” and a “Fluid Monitoring System”. Focused on monitoring oil status on-line when in use.

IK4-TEKNIKER also addresses other developments protected by industrial secrecy related to the renewables sector:

  • A single facet heliostat. Designed to improve currently available solutions by reducing their cost, automating serial manufacturing, facilitating assemblage and fine-tuning.
  • Coatings for optical purposes. Geared towards improving emmissivity and absorptivity features on receiver tubes.
  • Wind turbine control algorithms.