New opportunities in the health care sector

Technological diagnosis to detect business opportunities in the health care sector for Gipuzkoa-based companies

The project carried out by the technology centre has focused on development possibilities associated with rehabilitation products made by companies of the metal-mechanic sector to further diversify their business.

The IK4-TEKNIKER technology centre has carried out a market survey to identify new business opportunities that will allow Gipuzkoa-based companies of the metal-mechanical sector to develop products for other areas such as the health care sector.

The study first identified the different stakeholders currently operating in Gipuzkoa's health care ecosystem and later focused on analysing opportunities connected to rehabilitation.

As boundaries were set in terms of the framework of action, it has been possible to carry out an in-depth analysis of technical solutions currently available on the market. Likewise, both needs that have not yet been met and demands that have not been covered were also detected. 

To achieve this goal, several stakeholders have been involved, namely, users, therapists and rehabilitation doctors, all of whom have expressed their views and demonstrated the relevance of the end results.

IK4-TEKNIKER has carried a comprehensive analysis of the technical feasibility attached to the design and production of the items identified, as well a revision of the potential market possibilities and business models.