"Calibrating articulated arms", a novel response to a growing demand

The service to calibrate articulated arms provides advance knowledge about the possible errors in measurement done by tools

The new service to calibrate articulated measuring arms provides information on the possible measurement errors of tools, and is of value for companies that use 3D articulated measuring arms.

IK4-TEKNIKER’s Metrology Unit has launched a novel service to attend to a demand arising out of the massive incorporation of articulated arms into the industrial processes of companies: "articulated arm calibration".

Despite the highly frequent use of 3D articulated measuring arms in companies, the users of this equipment lack accredited laboratories that can handle the calibration needs of the equipment, a shortfall which is now being filled by IK4-TEKNIKER’s new service.

Thanks to this new service, approved by the National Accreditation Board (ENAC), companies will be able to obtain advance warning of any possible measuring errors in their tools, with the consequent improvement in efficiency and cost cutting.

The main sector being targeted by the new offer is that of mechanical manufacturing, although the service could also contribute value for companies in other sectors that use 3D articulated measuring arms.

The new service makes available to users the possibility of covering their accredited calibration needs to find out the exact state of their equipment, and also to respond to the requirements to meet the requisites of the various regulations.

One of the advantages provided by the new service, which can be rendered on at IK4-TEKNIKER’s facilities or on the client's premises, is the proper calibration of all the articulated measuring equipment, which will enable companies to meet the demands of quality audits.