Life cycle consultancy

Meeting sensor maintenance requirements

The life cycle model is a conceptual structure whose goal is to schedule development and maintenance tasks for a sensor’s software.

Recent developments reported in the field of sensorics have produced high-tech solutions that require in-depth manufacturing and maintenance plans.

These processes are carried out thanks to the so-called life cycle consultancy concept that schedules previously specified developmental checks that a deliverable must undergo and keeps high performance sensor components in a suitable condition once the concept has been disseminated.

In principle, this model is carried out during the development stage of a sensor and establishes the most appropriate methods and tools used to monitor each execution phase. In the longer term, however, a maintenance and care programme must be established to address a process featuring improvements, updates and problem solving techniques to be applied during the different life stages of a product.

The plan addresses the following:

  • The reception, evaluation and monitoring of any information received after initially unlocking a device’s software.
  • The issuing of an error report in those instances in which information returns are rated as such. The report must clarify whether the error found poses a risk for the software product and has be evaluated from the Risk Management perspective.
  • The creation of an application to change software or justify why no actions are to be carried out.
  • An analysis of change applications to assess possible effects for the organisation, for unlocked software products and for other interrelated systems. This analysis will establish whether or not said application can be approved.
  • A software configuration management process shall be implemented to properly manage changes, improvements and problem correction if the application is approved. In addition, the activities defined for the software development process will be applied at this point in time.
  • Reporting back to regulatory bodies. The manufacturer shall report any problems associated with unlocked software products.
  • Re-dissemination of the modified software system.

It is in this context, IK4-TEKNIKER is developing life cycle models that establish procedures to monitor product development stages and help maintain sensor system software in an optimum operating condition.