Diagnostic Service, detecting the causes of breakdown in order to come up with solutions

The Diagnostic Service spots faults in industrial components and offers solutions with the maximum guarantees

Thanks to its experience and knowledge in lubrication, tribology and mechanics, among other things, IK4-TEKNIKER is turning its expertise into specific solutions for faults in industrial components in different sectors.

Information is a crucial element in 21st century economy, and in the industry sector this is no exception. Knowing how and why a fault has occurred in an industrial part or process is the first step towards putting in place the bases of an effective, long-lasting solution.

IK4-TEKNIKER's new Diagnostic Service, designed to spot faults in industrial components, therefore involves a full advisory team that undertakes to find the most suitable solutions for industrial faults and to minimize the consequences of the recurrent faults in production processes, in which dependability is a key aspect.

Cutting-edge facilities

The Centre’s new technological offer caters across the board for a large number of industrial sectors, like the automotive, aeronautical, machine tool and energy sectors. A team of 20 highly qualified people can avail themselves of cutting-edge facilities at IK4-TEKNIKER’s new headquarters, equipped with the latest equipment so that a service with the maximum guarantees can be offered.

The Diagnostics Service is set in motion as soon as a problem has been spotted in any component, during its service life as well as during its manufacture. Thanks to its experience and knowledge in fields like materials, lubrication, tribology, chemistry or mechanics, IK4-TEKNIKER experts are turning their expertise into a specific solution for a specific problem.

However, the new service is not restricted to providing one-off solutions for the mechanical or working problems of machines. So that its clients can obtain the maximum value potential of this new offer, IK4-TEKNIKER has designed a permanent consulting service for companies. That way, clients can acquire specific information about their industrial processes and minimize the costs caused by the problems that arise.

To issue their diagnoses, the IK4-TEKNIKER researchers conduct metallurgical, mechanical, chemical, friction, wear and corrosion tests.

After that, following a multidisciplinary analysis process involving high added value, the experts issue their diagnosis, which then forms the basis for finding the best solution for the problem in the component or industrial process.