Service robotics: Technology to guarantee safety

IK4-TEKNIKER is developing technology to guarantee safety when service robots are used

The robot guide built by IK4-TEKNIKER has various safety mechanisms to detect humans and obstacles.

Safety is a critical aspect in service robotics, because robots have to move around in environments in which there are humans and interact with them safely.

So the robot guide developed by IK4-TEKNIKER has been equipped with safety mechanisms on various levels.

The robot has various sensors for detecting obstacles that could turn up in its environment. There are two lasers: ultrasound and infrared ones fitted to different parts of the robot. The information from these sensors is complementary and allows both static and dynamic objects to be detected in the robot’s area of action, and its movement to be adjusted.

The robot is equipped with a kinect sensor that combines information on vision and depth, and a thermal sensor used specifically to detect humans in its radius of action.

It also has a bumper or contact sensor system which is activated should the robot come into contact with an object or human. In this situation, the system halts the robot, which is activated once again as soon as the contact is no longer felt.